When reading to toddlers, remember the following:
*Answer their questions.
*Let them choose the books.
*Keep on singing.
*Keep on talking.
*Let them write.
*Let them read to you
When reading to infants, remember the following:
*Talk to them all the time.
*Sing as much as you talk.
*Read aloud only a few minutes at a time.
*Point to objects and name them.
*Read the same books over and over.
*Read books that are visually appealing.
*Give them books to touch, carry, and chew on.
When reading to early readers, try to do the following:
*You read a page and have them read a page.
*Don't worry about loss of interest in reading.
*Listen attentively.
*Avoid correcting mistakes.
*Continue to read out loud
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Do children learn all the time?
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