Inspirational Quotes Tips

Read these 6 Inspirational Quotes Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Child Education tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How do I help my child´s self esteem?

Raise your children to accomplish

If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children one of the greatest of all blessings.

-- Brian Tracy

How do I bring my family closer together?

Keep family relationships growing

Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing.

-- Jim Rohn

How do I get my kids to enjoy school?

Motive for work in school

One should guard against preaching to young people success in
the customary form as the main aim in life. The most important
motive for work in school and in life is pleasure in work, pleasure
in its result, and the knowledge of the value of the result to the

-- Albert Einstein

What is the most important gift I can give my child?

The hunger for love

The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.

-- Mother Theresa

How do I leave a legacy for my children?

What a father says

What a father says to his children is not heard by the world; but it will be heard by posterity.

-- Jean Paul Richter

How do I help my child´s self esteem?


Praise works with only three types of people; men, women, and children.

-- Anonymous

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Guru Spotlight
William Pirraglia