Toddler Development Tips

Read these 3 Toddler Development Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Child Education tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How do I teach my toddler?

Budding Independence

Your toddler, now mobile, needs to explore freely:
*a safe place to learn how to walk (and fall down)
*books, toys, and other "safe" objects to explore
*a variety of foods with interesting tastes and textures

This new independence needs to be fostered, but also somewhat controlled (for safety purposes). The freedome to explore allows a toddler to begin figuring out how the world works around him.

How can I encourage my toddler´s writing skills?

Fine Motor Development

Once toddlers become mobile and begin "toddling" around the house, their developing fine motor skills are quite evident as they reach for (and firmly grab) the precious vase Aunt Martha gave you for your wedding.

To avoid mishaps, first of all place all "adult items" out of reach and offer instead items like blocks and pegboards. Picking up small blocks with just the fingers will build and refine those small muscles, and stacking blocks on top of one another will also promote eye-hand coordination.

Why does my toddler like to run and climb so much?

Gross Motor Development

Toddlers are just beginning the "whole body experience" as they work on standing and balancing skills. Walking will come next along with possibly running.

Rolling, tumbling, climbing stairs (and furniture) are all ways your toddler is building the large muscles and developing as a physical person. While playing on furniture and stairs is not safe, large grassy areas and tumbling mats are. Large balls that take the whole body to lift and throw or push will also encourage gross motor development.

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Alexis Niki