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Read these 4 *Announcements! Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Child Education tips and hundreds of other topics.

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New Category - Multi-lingual Children

Check out our new categoty "Multi-lingual Children"!

Do you have a question about teaching your child a second language?
Ask me directly and I'll answer it for you and I'll submit it as a tip for others to read.

How can I teach my child science?

New Category-Science!

We've added a new category: Science!
Learn how to explore with your children and be fascinated by the wonders of the universe.

Can I stop reading to my child now that he can read?

New Category - Kids & Money

Check out our new tip category "Kids and Money".

Do you have a specific question about kids and money? Send a question directly to me and I'll answer it and add the answer as a tip for other users!

How can I teach my children at home?

New topic: Everyday Math

Check out our newest category "Everyday Math" for tips and ideas on teaching math concepts to children using everyday experiences.

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Guru Spotlight
Sheri Ann Richerson