Home Schooling Tips

Read these 2 Home Schooling Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Child Education tips and hundreds of other topics.

Home Schooling Tips has been rated 3.2 out of 5 based on 86 ratings and 1 user reviews.
How do I begin homeschooling?

Parents as all-around experts?

Parents who decide to home school their children do not need to be experts in every subject. For starters, there are comprehensive curricula available for parents to follow-especially in the beginning until they "get the hang of it". There are also local organizations and small groups of home schoolers who co-op their talents, for example, one parent who speaks a second language may teach this language to children of other families as a "class" while another parent may have knowledge and experience in the sciences.

The homeschooling experience is not an isolated experience by any means. Families are involved in many group activities such as scouting, sports teams, or 4-H.

How do I begin homeschooling?

What is Homeschooling?

Home schooling has become a popular option for many parents who are dissatisfied with the Public School systems. Home schooling is, in a nutshell, educating children at home, rather than in a "classroom".

While the curriculum requirements are similar to "regular" schools (this is governed by each state individually) the methods of presenting the material differ. Typically subjects are blended together rather than taught as separate and distinct ideas. For example, a study of American literature may overlap with a study of American history, and possibly even brach out into social sciences, art, or any number of other subjects.

This "whole learning" process often causes children to become more involved in the learning process, and learn much more than what might be presented in a single subject textbook.

Home schooling is not for everybody, but it is a viable option for many. Before deciding one way or another, it is best to do much research with other local homeschooling families, local organizations, your state (to find out requirements), and your local public schools.

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Sheri Ann Richerson